
Our family picture

Sunday, February 10, 2008

sledding fun

We took Bandit out on frozen Lake Winnebago to have a lot of room to run and play with his little plastic bowling ball. It was also opening day of sturgeon spearing, so the kids checked out all the huge sturgeon that were speared.
We took the kids sledding to Buttermilk hill in town. The kids like making jumps to jump off of. Melanie going down!
Tyler snowboarding down. He loves to snowboard, he can make it all the way down without falling. Now he is working on jumping off of jumps.

Here is a video (of Pete I hope showed up), It is hilarious, He thinks he is still young. He is young at heart. This is his second time going down off the jump. The first time I didn't get. The second I did, but missed some of the jump. You have to listen all the way to the end. He got the wind knocked out of him and he saw some stars in the sky.

Here is Tyler snowboarding down.


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simsgirl said...

Love the videos! Love the pics!