
Our family picture

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tyler's 10th birthday

His 3rd cake!
Tyler with his new fishing pole so he can catch bigger fish!

Mother's day

My boy and me
My girl and me
My 3 kids and me
With all my pretty tulips

Tyler's 10th birthday with friends

Brownie cake.
Playing games outside
Tyler had 5 of his friends over and they all slept over! What was I thinking the night before mother's day.They were pretty good though.

Tyler's 10th birthday with family

Tyler's big fish

Tyler and Pete went out with the neighbors and they caught this 7 lb. 27 inch Walleye. Pete set the hook for Tyler, but Tyler reeled it in. He is so proud!
It is getting mounted so Tyler can hang it next to his dads.
Tyler just isn't that keen on holding it by himself yet.

Melanie got her braces!

Right after getting them on and heading back to school. What a big girl!

Easter at grandma and papas

the boy climbing up the wall.
looking for their Easter eggs.

Finding their baskets

Bandit found his!
Checking out their baskets!
Melanie's was in the oven!
Tyler's was under the fish tank!

Dying Easter eggs

Bandit had to get in on the action.Here is has a hard boiled egg in his mouth. We peeled it and it took him awhile to eat it.He didn't like the white part as much.

The kids decorating their eggs. funny they don't like eating them, but they like decorating them. pete and I eat egg salad sandwiches for a week!

Carolyn's b-day party

Carolyn had her birthday party at the petit ice center in Milwaukee.It was mascot race day there and the kids like the moose from the Wilderness.
Pete's and my first time ice skating. He did much better than me. he went around the track many times, I only went around half way and had enough.
They were racing each other. Jacob also had a hockey game that day so he joined them later and of course blew them away skating.

Melanie's big middle school choir program

Papa and the grankids at his birthday.

The Nutcracker play with nana.

Nana took us girls to see the Nutcracker ballet at the Paine in Oshkosh.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Outside with Bandit

Pete and I took Bandit out to Hobbs woods for a hike, was so pretty
and peaceful there.
There was this little tree hut we found out there.
Kids were at school, we enjoyed the views and the peace and quite.
A video of Bandit enjoying digging in the snow for creatures.

Snow much fun

Daddy and Bandit taking a break from the snow fun.
Bandit chewing the snowballs of his big hairy paws
Melanie, Paige and I made a snowman since the snow was perfect for it
Melanie loves her snowman!
The girls making our Packer snowman, unfortunately it fell down that
night since it was warm and raining out.