
Our family picture

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween

Tyler was a Star War's clone trooper this year
Melanie was a referee.

Tyler trying his pumpkin on for size

Bandit sampling the pumpkin

Melanie didn't want a pumpkin to carve this year, but she helped Tyler with his.

Tyler;s flag football

Tyler played flag football this fall with school. The team didn't win many, but Tyler learned about football more. This picture is of Tyler in the process of catching the football and making an interception! You can just see his gray shirt with black sleeves.He was the mvp for the game!
I think they won this game!

Melanie's 12th birthday

Family birthday party
Puppy cake from Aunt Marsha

Beth's birthday

Went out to eat with the family and Nana for my birthday!
Flowers from the family for my birthday!

15 year anniversary

Flowers from Pete for our 15 year anniversary!